ActiveReports 10 Server Designer User Guide
End User Designer (EUD)

The built-in End User Designer allows to create RPX/RDLX report from scratch on the Server and modify RPX/RDLX reports hosted on the Server.

The built-in EUD is the EUD application hosted in ARS that a user can invoke from the Report portal.

Built-in EUD feature is based on the ClickOnce technology that is supported in Internet Explorer only.

Note: You can use the built-in EUD feature with the Core license, no special license is required.

The End User Designer consists of the following elements.

Elements Name Description Support in Mobile Portal
Design View allows to create, design and edit a report.
Design Surface The design surface of a report appears initially as a blank page and grid lines. You can create your own layout and drag report controls and fields onto the design surface to display your data.
Rulers Use the ruler to determine how your report will look on paper.
Designer Tabs

There are  three tabs located at the bottom of the report design surface. Create a report layout in the Designer tab, write a script in the Script tab to implement .NET functionality and see the result in the Preview tab.

Designer Tab

Script Tab

Preview Tab

Page Tabs Report layouts are designed on separate pages and you can control the way each page appears. Using page tabs, you can select which page to view or edit, add new pages, remove existing pages, reorder pages, and create duplicate pages.
Designer Buttons

The Designer buttons are located to the right of the designer tabs along the bottom of the designer.

Dimension Lines. Dimension lines let you track the location of the control as you move it by displaying the distance between the control and the edge of the writable area of the report.

Hide Grid. By default, grid lines and dots appear on the report design surface. You can click this button to hide the grid and design your report on a blank page. Lines or dots are also removed from the design surface when you hide the grid, but Snap to Lines or Snap to Grid settings remain unaffected.

Show Dots. You can click this button to have dots appear on the design surface in between the grid lines to guide you in the placement of controls.

Show Lines. You can click this button to have faint grey lines appear on the design surface in between the grid lines to guide you in the placement of controls.

Snap Lines. This setting aligns the control you are dragging with other controls on the report design surface. When you drag the control around, snap lines appear when it is aligned with other controls or with the edges of the report, and when you drop it, it snaps into place in perfect alignment.

Snap to Grid. This setting aligns the control you are dragging with grid lines on the report design surface. When you drop the control, it snaps into place in alignment with the nearest grid mark. To place your controls freely on the report design surface, turn this setting off.

Select Mode. In Select mode, when you click items on the report designer surface, you select them. Use this mode for editing, data binding and styling in the Designer tab. An arrow cursor appears in the Select mode.

Pan Mode. Use the Pan mode to make navigation easier. In this mode, you cannot select, edit, or delete a control from the design surface. A hand cursor appears in Pan mode and you can navigate through your report by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the report to the desired position.

Zoom Bar

the Zoom bar below the report design surface where the slider thumb is set to 100% by default. The slider allows you to zoom in and out of the report designer surface. Using this slider you can magnify the layout from 50% to 400%. You can also use the zoom in (+) and zoom out (-) buttons at either end of the slider to change the zoom level.

Zoom settings are also available on the ActiveReports toolbar where you can change the zoom percentage or use the zoom in/zoom out buttons.

Report Menu - provides access to common reporting operations.
Save Opens the Save dialog.
Save As Opens the Save As dialog to save the newly created report in RDLX file format.
Connect to Server
Opens the Connect to Server dialog to establish connection with the Server.
Disconnect from Server
Edit Shared Data Sources Opens the Server Shared Data Sources dialog where you can add, edit or remove shared data sources of the report.
Edit Shared Data Sets Opens the Server Shared Data Sets dialog where you can add, edit or remove shared data sets of the report.
Report Parameters Opens the Report dialog to the Parameters page where you can manage, add and delete parameters.
Embedded Images Opens the Report dialog to the Images page, where you can select images to embed in a report. Once you add images to the collection, they appear in the Report Explorer under the Embedded Images node.
Report Properties Opens the Report dialog to the General page where you can set report properties such as the author, description, page header and footer properties, and grid spacing.
Stylessheet Editor Opens the New Style - Stylesheet Editor dialog where you can manage styles of the report.
Set Master Report Opens the Open dialog to select a Master Report (RDLX-master file format) to apply to the current project.


  • Designer
  • Script
  • Preview
Opens the Designer, Script or Preview tab.
Page Header Toggles the report Page Header on or off.
Page Footer Toggles the report Page Footer on or off.
Toolbar - The  toolbar comprises of buttons and dropdown lists which offer functions for a number of commonly used commands.
Text Decoration This group of the buttons includes: Style, Font, Font Size, ForeColor, BackColor, Bold, Italic, Underline
Text Alignment This group of the buttons includes: Align Left, Center, Align Right, Align Justify.
Layout Editing This group of the buttons includes: Zoom Out, Zoom In, Zoom.
Control Alignment This group of the buttons includes: Align to Grid, Align Lefts, Align Rights, Align Tops, Align Middles, Align Bottoms.
Control Resizing This group of the buttons includes: Make Same Width, Make Same Height, Make Same Size, Size to Grid.
Control Spacing This group of the buttons includes: Make Horizontal Spacing Equal, Increase Horizontal Spacing, Decrease Horizontal Spacing, Remove Horizontal Spacing, Make Vertical Spacing Equal, Increase Vertical Spacing, Decrease Vertical Spacing, Remove Vertical Spacing.
Z-order Alignment This group of the buttons includes: Bring to Front, Send to Back.
RichTextBox Commands This group of the buttons includes: Bullets, Indent, Outdent.
View ReportExplorer Shows or hides the Report Explorer window.
Reorder Groups Opens the Group Order dialog, where you can drag and drop groups to rearrange them. This button is enabled when you have multiple groups in a report.
Report Explorer gives you a visual overview of the report elements in the form of a tree view where each node represents a report element.
  • Document Outline
    • Each report page
      • Each control on the page, for example:
      • BandedList
      • Matrix
      • Table
  • Data Sources
    • DataSource (right-click to add a data source; you can have more than one)
      • DataSet (right-click the DataSource to add a data set)
        • Fields (drag onto the report or onto a data region)
      • Another DataSet (you can have more than one)
  • Parameters (right-click to open a dialog and add a parameter)
  • EmbeddedImages (right-click to browse for an image to add)
  • CommonValues (drag onto the report to display the value in a textbox)
Toolbox dislpays the list of controls available for the report.
Properties window - Select any page, section, data region, control or the report itself to gain access to its properties in the Properties window. By default, this window is placed to the right of the report design area, or wherever you may have placed it in Visual Studio. You can show the list of properties by category or in alphabetical order by clicking the buttons at the top of the Properties window.

Select a property to reveal a description at the bottom of the window. Just above the description is a commands section that contains commands, links to dialogs that give you access to further properties for the item. You can resize the commands or description sections by dragging the top or bottom edges up or down.
